If videos are not loading on your web browser. Try clicking the "Click Here" link where it says "Don't see the video? Click Here", under the video. This will take you directly to the video on our Vimeo page.
Video playback is supported using these browsers:
- Chrome 30+
- Firefox 27+
- Internet Explorer 11
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari 9+
The audio player on the Game Page is designed to work with all browsers and devices. If you are experiencing difficulties. Please ensure your volume is turned up on your device, you have a stable internet connection, and that you are using an updated web browser.
If you are still experiencing problems with the audio playback, click the corresponding link below. All audio files have been compiled into a video for playback.
If you are experiencing technical issues while on our Game Page, please ensure;
- You have a secure internet connection
- Are using an updated web browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Microsoft Edge or Safari)
- Have attempted to open the Game Page using another device
If you are still experiencing technical issues, please contact us using the button below.
Each of our products is manufactured with all care possible. However, if you encounter a problem with your game, please contact us using the button below and we will resolve your issue as soon as possible.
© Odd Odyssey Games | Ready Set Go Entertainment Inc.